Kilde Akustikk AS

KILDE Akustikk AS has 25 years experience in acoustics, to a large extent related to outdoor sound sources, sound propagation and noise control. The firm has developed and contributed to the revision of several prediction methods for Norwegian and Nordic authorities, e.g. noise from shooting ranges, railways, harbours and terminals, motorsports, building and construction activities. The firm has extensive experience related to co-operation on large and complex projects, also internationally. The acoustical work done by KILDE falls in three categories: (i) Consultancy, (ii) Development of tools and methods for acoustic planning or problem solving, and (iii) Information services in acoustics.

KILDE Akustikk AS is a partner in the Harmonoise project, and will in Imagine continue to pay particular attention to making the new European methods practical in general use, and suitable as new environmental improvement tools.

research projects

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