Demand and traffic flow modelling
Imagine deliverable D7 D7 - Traffic models noise mapping guidelines - ver.12 [09-02-2007] Other reports Description of the work package The current noise levels resulting from road traffic may be assessed by field measurements, but for the effects of possible actions taken to reduce noise levels, measurements are not an option. Proposed mitigating measures may be based on traditional methods, for example improved planning and provision of acoustic screens, of which the effects are relatively well understood. However, the potential benefits of more recent solutions based on Traffic Management and Intelligent Transport Systems, such as adaptive signal control or in-vehicle Intelligent Speed Adaptation, are still to be fully explored. The reliability of assessment of the acoustic performance of such measures relies on the accuracy and flexibility of the supporting traffic models. The models will have to be able to adequately model effects of noise action planning: e.g. on traffic volumes, fleet composition, vehicle speed and acceleration and level of service. Work package 2 deals with approaches to traffic modelling for noise mapping and noise action planning. The objective is to provide guidelines and examples for an efficient link between traffic modelling (including the modelling of traffic demand and traffic management measures) on the one hand and noise mapping and action planning on the other. To this end, the partners in the work package will study the incorporation of road traffic flow modelling in noise emission modelling, and will develop practical solutions for the combination of the two disciplines, including recommendations for additional data collection. The objective is not to provide a traffic model that everyone throughout the EU can use � instead, users should be able to use their own model in such a way that accuracy and comparability are ensured. The final result will be guidelines for the use of traffic modelling for road noise mapping and road noise action planning.
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