SP, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
SP Acoustics works with research, testing and development within the fields of environmental noise, building acoustics, machinery noise, vibration and electroacoustics. SP has well-equipped laboratories for most standard measurements within these fields. SP is one of the major partners in Harmonoise and takes part in most work packages. SP has prepared the current Nordic method for road traffic noise and in addition taken part in the development of the Nordic methods for industrial noise and railway noise. Together with Delta in Denmark and SINTEF in Norway SP has also prepared the new Nord 2000 prediction methods for environmental noise. Nord 2000 was the first engineering method capable of predicting sound propagation under different meteorological conditions. In connection with this project SP had numerous national projects on sound propagation, source modelling and test methods for trains, road vehicles and ground impedance. SP has also provided noise emission data for the rail and road traffic models. SP has been active in international standardization and provided conveners for several working groups, in particular within the fields of sound insulation, sound power and emission sound pressure level. This work has been carried out for ISO, CEN and Nordtest. At present SP is also project leader for ISO 1996-2 which deals with the measurement and assessment of environmental noise. In the Imagine project SP is work package leader for the measurement and monitoring methods.