Share your experience with us[06 September 2004]
This website wants to be a platform where experts can share experience on noise mapping, especially in the sense of the Environmental Noise Directive. This means that not only the IMAGINE project will place documents on this site. You are invited to send general or specific non-commercial information on noise mapping projects to the webmaster, or to provide interesting links. For example, we are interested in the following information: 1. Which Ministry in your country is responsible for the legal operations required by the END? 2. How many towns are being mapped in your country? And which towns? 3. How is the noise mapping operation organised? Who is responsible for mapping the different noise sources? How far is your country? 4. Which prediction models will be used (in case you have no national model)?
Please send your contributions to the webmaster. In addition to this, you may have remarks or questions or reasons of concern, which may be more appropriate to be placed on the discussion forum of this website. If you know interesting agenda items, for example conferences and workshops on noise mapping and action planning, please feel free to contact us.