D1 Website - Imagine Deliverable

Deliverable 1 of the IMAGINE project has been put in place on 2 March 2004: the website of the project. The website contains general information, partner information, news and agenda items, and public and restricted documents. The information on the website will be update at least every 4 months. The website production and maintenance is Task 8.1 of the IMAGINE project.


An end user platform of IMAGINE is formed by using the original end user list of the Harmonoise project and appending new addresses provided by the IMAGINE partners. The platform now contains over 400 addresses of representatives of authorities, consultancy offices, software suppliers, mappers and others. The attention of these end users is drawn to the IMAGINE project by a regular electronic newsletter with links to the (new items on the) website. The first issue of the newsletter was sent out in the beginning of April 2004. The End User platform is Task 8.4 of the IMAGINE project.


author: Edwin Verheijen
date: 11 May 2004

download: D1 website.pdf [size: 506.2 KB]