Scientific Co-ordination
Imagine Deliverable D15 D15 - Final Synthesis Report - Guidance on the IMAGINE methods extra document: Calculation of Lden IMA10TR-070222-AEATNL01_calculation of Lden Imagine Deliverable D2 D2 - State-of-the-Art of noise mapping In a complex project like IMAGINE, with many different work packages and scopes, it is considered essential to monitor and control the consistency of the different approaches. The overall scope of the project should be kept in mind as the main deliverable. Due to developments and research results in the work packages there may be need to slightly change the scope of work within that work package, but this should not affect the main course of the project. The main task of the Scientific Co-ordination therefore is to keep the main course "steady as she goes", unless there is a need to change the course. Besides changing scopes as a result of internal intermediate results, external developments may also affect the project. Therefore it is essential to keep an open eye for what is happening in the world outside the project, both in other research projects, in European noise politics, and in related scientific research. In work package 10 we will establish contacts with the main actors in these fields, participate in mutual exchange of information and experience and decide what consequences external effects may have to the Imagine project. Related documents: