LABEIN has grown steadily since it was established in 1955. Today it is a technological centre with an international dimension. LABEIN seeks to back innovation in firms, using technology as a tool in competitiveness. Its two basic assets are: technology know-how, and experimental capabilities What we offer is a multidisciplinary nature, and is based on the training and qualification of our human resources. More than two hundred persons work at the centre. Regarding to Acoustics, LABEIN is the most qualified team in Spain, as we are around 20 specialists and we have 20 years experience in acoustics. The area is splitted up into two activities: environmental acoustics and building acoustics. Nowadays LABEIN is answering to the challenges set by the new Directive by means of research and applied projects. We took part in the AR-INTERIM-AR project to adapt and revise the interim methods. We are also involved in the application of the Directive in Spain. On that sense, we have analysed the characterisation of the emission of Spanish railways and we have developed Dynamic Noise Management Systems to help Administrations in the process of Noise Mapping and Action Planning. We have also experience assessing the subjective perception of noise.