EMPA, Eidgen�ssische Materialpr�fungs- und Forschungsanstalt

The Laboratory of Acoustics of EMPA works in the fields of research and development as well as the transfer of knowledge in specific topics of acoustics in connection with materials and systems.

In environmental acoustics the laboratory develops unique calculation methods for the sound propagation outdoors, where the characterisation of the source (road, railway, aircraft, military sources) is based mainly on own measurements, which is needed for research on the numerical simulation of sound propagation and on modelling sound propagation affected by variable conditions. The advanced aircraft noise simulation program FLULA is used for sophisticated noise calculations for customers in Switzerland and abroad.

In the field of building acoustics the technical fundamentals of noise abatement in structures research and development are supporting high living quality and well-being, especially for lightweight constructions.

The laboratory is involved in research concerning vibroacoustic system dynamics and modelling, especially in novel adaptive materials systems applied for active noise and vibration control. Innovative concepts for sensors, actuators and control systems are implemented.

The strength of the laboratory of acoustics is the combination of vibroacoustics, building- , room- and environmental acoustics, which provides a high degree of synergetic effects and allows for flexible reactions to various demands. There are 18 people working in acoustics.

In the IMAGINE project, EMPA/Acoustics is involved in WP4 dealing with the description of spectral directivity of aircraft as sound sources.

research projects

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